Friday, April 27, 2012


This story I find is absolutely heart warming. I found this article in Yahoo News, it pertains to parents that live in Texas and has a baby that has a bucket list. I am sure you are thinking bucket list? But you use that when you are old and dying. Well,  the parents Mike and Laura got a call on Good Friday confirming some horrific news, their 5month old baby has a rare and incurable genetic disorder. Avery, the 5month old, has only 18mths to live. The disease she has is called spinal muscular atrophy and she is in stage 1 of the disease which is at its worse. The 5mth old has already lost movement in her legs and is already losing movement in her arms. The parents was in disbelief and went through the crying and denial stage, but realized that this was only gonna get worse, so they needed to make the best of it. So Mike and Laura decided to make a Bucket List for Avery. This consumes of going to a college visit, having her first kiss, having a birthday party and so on. The two have started a blog for everyone to be able to share their journey.
My first thought of this was so sad, but then realized why be sad, I am so happy for these parents that they are making the best of this little girl and trying to make it something good.
I am so happy that Avery has parents that are trying to make a difference. The parents best wish for Avery on her bucket list, is for her to overcome her illness. Even though they know this is doubtful, they want to make a difference and try to make money to research the disease and help someone's else child. If you visit the website above you can go to their blog and follow their amazing story! I did and I cried but a happy cry, I hope so much for their family!

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