Saturday, April 21, 2012

WOW! What a week! I am so exhausted from everything. From working full time at Freeman, to going to school full-time and being a mom of three boys and a wife to a husband. But I am excitedly ready to say I have the weekend off. This weekend I am going to talk about  how I am going to to return to my hometown for a couple of days with my boys. I am currently living in Carl Junction but my hometown is in Chanute, Ks. My parents are expecting us sometime in the afternoon, after the boys get done with soccer. We have big plans to go to the CARNIVAL! I loved the carnival as a kid, it was so exciting to do the rides and so forth, what was your favorite ride as a kid? Mine was the Zipper and the swing one where you got really high. I hope you all have a awesome weekend and don't work to hard.

1 comment:

  1. I also took a mental health weekend. No work or school and for the first time in what seems like forever, my husband and I had a kid free weekend. (we have 6. ) It's great when we get to relax. :)
